


出典: 標準

Jp 検索する  メニュー Overview Faculties Access and Campus Map International Affairs Office International Affairs Office HOME International Affairs Office Admission to Undergraduate and Graduate Schools Shujitsu University has 4 undergraduate faculties with 7 departments, and 3 graduate schools with 3 programs. Shujitsu Junior College has 2 departments. Please refer to the website of each faculty and graduate school for details. Applicants must have a "student" status of residence, as stipulated in the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act must have attained at least Japanese language proficiency of N2 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or the equivalent. Please contact the Admissions Office for more detailed information concerning other application qualifications and examination procedures. President's Message --> Admissions Office Ph: 086-271-8118 FAX: 086-271-8260 Email: &#110;y&#117;&#115;&#104;&#105;&#64;&#115;hu&#106;&#105;&#116;&#115;&#117;&#46;&#97;&#99;.&#106;&#112; Student Exchange A one-semester or one-year exchange program is available with the universities with which we have an agreement. Please contact the about eligibility in charge of the program at your university for the latest information, faculties, departments, and application procedures. Classes for International Students Classe in "Japanese language" and "Japanese customs" for international students.  Liberal arts and specialized classes in each departments are also available. Classes in "Japanese language" and "Japanese customs" Classes in liberal arts and specialized subjects of their departments --> Office of International Affairs provides the following support for international students.--> Support System for International Students Living in Japan Financial Support A reduction, for fully matriculated students, and an exemption, for exchange students tuition fees is available. This system is designed to reduce the financial burden on self-financed international students and provide better study environment. It is conducted in accordance with the university's regulations on international students' tuition fees, etc. Please contact us for details. General Support The International Affairs office helps international students in various aspects of their academic endeavors and daily life. Staff members support international applicants with appropriate department and faculty advisors. They also help international students with all kinds of needs, including course registration enrollment, accommodation and health issues, etc. Staff members also offer opportnities for international students to communicate and make friends with Japanese students through various events throughout the year. Tutors Tutors provide individual assistance to international students concerning education and research. This assistance is provided under the guidance of the international student's faculty advisor. The main goals of the tutor system are to support a higher level of academic achievement, to foster intercultural understanding and cooperation in both international students and tutors, and to strengthen personal efficacy. Buddies Buddies provide individual assistance to international students, usually but not exclusively to those who have recently arrived in Japan, concerning immigration and local registration, travel and tourism, shopping and in general daily life. Buddies also provide basic interpreting services. This assistance is provided under the auspices of the International Affairs Office. The main goal of the buddy system is to ensure that international students having a fulfilling, comfortable experience at Shujitsu, in Okayama and in Japan. Cultural Experiences On and off campus, international students are immersed in Japanese, encounter various aspects of Japanese culture, have many opportunities to make new friends, visit interesting places and learn about Japanese history and culture as well as about members of the international community in Japan. The International Affairs Office organizes a Japanese Culture Study Tour every year and has brought international students to various places of historical and cultural importance in Japan including the ancient capital of Nara, Kobe and sites in Kagawa Prefecture. Students are taken on guided tours and have various hands-on experiences. Shujitsu University and Shujitsu Junior College pay transportation and entrance fees and also provide lunch for international students. Please also refer to our English brochure Contact : Office of International Affairs Phone: (+81)86-271-8136 Email: i&#45;&#99;&#101;&#110;t&#101;r@s&#104;&#117;&#106;&#105;ts&#117;&#46;a&#99;&#46;j&#112; Brochure Shujitsu University / Shujitsu Junior College / Shujitsu Graduate School Copyright (C) Shujitsu University All Rights Reserved. pageTop

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